partner to educate
why us?
We are a specialist family violence service committed to ending violence against women and children. We are one of the only response and recovery services in Victoria also working in family violence prevention and training sector.
Leveraging our expertise, experience, and comprehensive data from within the service system and the sector, we strive to deliver innovative, effective, and impactful training initiatives.
Who we partner with?
We partner for impact across a variety of sectors and industries. As a registered not for profit, we want to work with communities, companies and organisations whose values and goals align with our vision of creating a community FREE FROM violence. Where everyone is safe.
If you have a training and education impact initiative, we want to hear from you. If you want to build the capability of your people and service to better respond to family violence – we can help.
We work with:
- Philanthropic grants and trusts
- Local and state government
- Corporate partners
- Community organisations and not-for-profits
- Social enterprise
- Research initiatives and universities
reach out
Make change.
For more information about our 3RS training or tailored packages, get in touch.