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Safety Planning
what you need to know
A safety plan is a list of prepared steps designed to support your safety and the safety of your children, whether you are still in the relationship or have left.
We know that thinking about a safety plan can be overwhelming. Whether working with us or another service, it’s important that you develop a safety plan with the right supports.
A safety plan can include (but is not limited to):
- Important contact numbers: emergency numbers, numbers of family members, doctors, schools, etc
- Where to go: instructions/information on where you can go if you need to leave in an emergency, for example a friend’s house.
- Getting there: a plan for how you will get to your designated place, including timetables for public transport, Myki cards, taxi contact numbers, etc.
- An emergency contact: making arrangements with a supportive friend, family member or neighbour to assist you in case of an emergency.
- Cash and valuables: keep originals or copies of important documents together in a safe place, that is easily accessible should you need to leave quickly. This includes birth certificates, passports, bank details, medications, prescriptions, driver’s license, Medicare card, spare keys, etc. Make copies to give to your emergency contact.
- A plan for your children: what to do and where to go in a violent situation, teaching children how to use emergency numbers.
meet catherine, who safety plans with families