About Us
what we do
- We provide a broad range of integrated, inclusive, response support services for people experiencing family and intimate partner violence. In line with national data, the majority of victim survivors we support are women, children, young people and their pets.
- Our training, education and primary prevention programs reach throughout Melbourne’s eastern areas and extend across Victoria and Australia.
- The safety of women, children, young people and marginalised people is a fundamental human right. Safety is our priority, while working to ensure perpetrators are held accountable for using violence.
- Our highly trained, professional and expert staff provide support, information, case management, safety planning, community education, programs for pet safety and a strong network of referral pathways to other services.
Specialist Response and Recovery Services
Our support services are available directly through the Orange Doors and by referral from other providers to more than 1.1 million people across the following municipalities. The Orange Doors operate from more than 18 locations across Victoria.
We operate from The Orange Doors in Croydon and Box Hill, with satellite services in Yarra Junction and Belgrave. These services cover the following local government areas:
- Boroondara
- Manningham
- Whitehorse
- Knox
- Monash
- Maroondah
- Yarra Ranges

Our role in The Orange Doors as the specialist family violence service includes:
- Risk assessments
- Safety planning
- Child safety and well-being
- Financial support and material-aid
- Crisis response including emergency accommodation
- Collaboration and case consultation with multidisciplinary teams and other specialist community services to provide advice, information, advocacy and referrals.
- Advocate alongside victim survivors in the legal and justice system, other services and in the community.
Meet Jo, Team Leader at The Orange Door

Support and Recovery Service
Our specialist support and recovery service provides case management from our Ringwood location.
Case management supports can include:
- Ongoing risk assessment and management
- Safety planning and crisis response
- Education and information about family violence
- Advocacy and liaison with police, courts, schools, and other services
- Supports to maintain safe housing
- Providing short-term financial assistance
- Tailored care planning to meet specific needs and goals
- Connection and supported referral to other services such as financial counselling, housing services, health services, mental health, and alcohol and other drugs supports
- Therapeutic supports including specialist family family violence, trauma trauma informed and child well-being counselling
- Specialist intersectional supports

Meet Julie, Aboriginal Liaison Officer

Prevention and early intervention
We know from global research that the underlying cause of family violence is gender inequality.
Our work in prevention is aimed at stopping gender-based violence occurring in the first place by changing the social conditions in our community that excuse, justify or promote violence against women.

Training and education
Family violence takes many forms. We all have a role to play in knowing the signs, breaking the cycle and feeling confident to respond to disclosures.
Our comprehensive training programs are perfect for your community or business.